What is Digital Technology?
The word “Digital” comes from Latin—Digitus, finger—and refers to one of the oldest tools for counting. When information is stored, transmitted or forwarded in Digital format, it is converted into numbers—at the most basic machine-level as “zeroes and ones.”
In the context of this topic, the term represents Technology that relies on the use of microprocessors; hence, computers and applications that are dependent on computers such as the Internet, as well as other devices such as video cameras, IoT and mobile devices such as mobile phones and personal-Digital assistants (PDAs).

What is a Digital Certificate?
A Digital Certificate is used to encrypt online data or information communications between an end user/individual browser and a website, After verifying that a company or individual owns a website, certificate authority will sign their certificates do it is trusted by internet browsers.
The most widely used standard for digital certificates is x.509.
How it works ?
- A browser or server attempts to connect to a Website, a.k.a. Web server, secured with SSL. The browser/server requests that the Web server identify itself. The Web server sends the browser/server a copy of its SSL certificate.
- The browser/server checks to see whether or not it trusts the SSL certificate. If so, it sends a message to the Web server.
- The Web server sends back a digitally signed acknowledgement to start an SSL encrypted session.
- Encrypted data is shared between the browser/server and the Web server.

About Digital Certificate
A Digital Certificate is an electronic "password" that allows a person, organization to exchange data securely over the Internet using the public key infrastructure (PKI). Digital Certificate is also known as a public key certificate or identity certificate.
Why Digital Security is Important?
In today environment, most individual or organizations are communicating with each other on-line (real-time) over the internet. Since internet is an open platform for anyone to conduct business activity, sharing information or transfer of data/document, it is crucial to ensure all communication channels are fully protected in a secured manner.
Due to the cybercriminals are continuing to evolve and grow, hackers are proactively to develop new attack methods and tools for personal interest to achieve financial gains. Lots of people/organizations have been targeted for the threats & risks.
According to 3rd party report that two-thirds of global data breaches are caused by identity theft. There are three buckets of information that hacker are commonly interested in such as:-
- Personal Identity Information: Name, Address, Phone number, Date of Birth, Social Security Number and IP Address. Hackers can use this information to steal your identity or use it via social engineering to gain access to even more information.
- Payment Information: Credit/Debit Card Numbers, On-line banking credentials, Account Numbers, and PIN Numbers. This payment information is become an easy way for hacker to make a quick buck.
- Personal Health Information: It is a most valuable information for hacker to sell in a black market for thousands of dollars. That is because a typical health record consists of Personal Identity Information plus health data in which hackers use it to order and resell drugs or to file bogus insurance claims.
Types of Cybercrimes
Cybercriminals are constantly developing new and advance tactics to gain access your information. There are some of the common tactics to be on the lookout for:-
Phishing : Sensitive information such as Username, Password, Credit Cards details. Usually leverages email to trick users in giving up credentials
Social Engineering : In the context of security, social engineering is the art of manipulating people into handling over their invaluable information or credentials. For example, you might receive a phone call from a stranger (so-called “Hacker”) who, posed as your cable service provider and offers a free upgrade bandwidth in exchange for login credentials.
Malware : In short, it is a malicious software that specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system or an application. There are different kinds of malware such as Viruses, Trojans, Spywares, and Ransomwares.
Shoulder Surfing : This is the practice of looking “over the shoulder” of someone using the ATM or electronic device, and then taking a photo of their screen or jotting down their invaluable information or details. People are often fall victim to this tactic when they are distracted, in a rush, or in a crowded environment and public event and place.